Among all the impossible thing to do in this world, there are 10 that you can try it yourself. Well, the word almost is because SOME people can do it. But please don't go as far as to be in the world record for this.
NUMBER 10 - Raising One Eyebrow.
Dwayne Johnson, among the character that can lift one eyebrow |
Well, it is almost impossible but because the famous actor/former wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson can do it, everybody started to try and with passion to obtain this almost impossible ability, they manage to perform this impossible act.
NUMBER 9 - Licking Your Own Elbow
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Amazing tongue technique!! |
Okay, this is another almost impossible thing to do. In some notes, they listed a few things and among them is "You can't lick your own elbow" and most people upon reading it will try to lick their own elbow according to a simple survey. But damn it, i can't do this either!!
NUMBER 8 - Gleeting
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Picture from Wikipedia. This man name Patrick Ellison can do this almost impossible thing to do with your mouth. |
The term gleeting exists only in urban dictionary but the essential meaning is you spit the saliva out of your mouth by using the compression from your tongue. It looks gross, and yet it is fascinating because not many people can do it. Well, this one looks gross, so i'm not gonna try it.
NUMBER 7 - Nose Twitch
At first i didn't know that this thing is actually almost impossible for us to do, well partly because my big bro can do it and some of my friends can too. But yeah, just look at the video to know what nose twitch is.
NUMBER 6 - Wiggling Your Ear
I think the first time i saw this was when i watched Mr Bean starring by Rowan Atkinson. But it has been years since i saw that video and i couldn't find one on youtube, so here's the video showing wiggling ear. Some claim that this is hereditary but there also others who claim that they learnt how to do it.
NUMBER 5 - Touching Your Nose or Chin Using Your Tongue
This one, well, i've tried it a few times and damn it, it's hard. I'm not sure if the shape of the nose and tongue render this possible or not but one thing for sure, you definitely have a long tongue if you can do this.
NUMBER 4 - Tongue Trick
Heh. this one, let's just say i can't do it. Damn it. I think my genetics prevented me from doing anything stupid for that matter.
NUMBER 3 - Sneeze With Your Eyes Open
Apparently it is possible. But from what i know, a person suffering an illness which can paralyze their reflex action can do this if i'm not mistaken. You can also force to open your eyes like these crazy mythbusters. And yes, your eyes won't pop out because the optic muscles around the eyes are strong enough to hold it in place even if you sneeze out a 100mph of mucus/liquid/saliva from your mouth and nose.
NUMBER 2 - Tickle Yourself
I think this one is really impossible for anyone but maybe there are people who can tickle themselves that have not yet been documented. Well, the reason is because our brain can predict our own movement, hence canceling the tickling sensation whenever we're about to tickle ourselves. Unfortunately, the brain can't predict the movement of external tickling stimuli, that's why we laugh whenever someone tickle us and not when we tried to tickle ourselves.
Due to graphic violation content, the size of the picture can't be bigger than 200 x 200 pixels. |
Well, this is the sickest among them all. But according to the sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, 2 or 3 out of 1000 men can toot their own horn. One man claim to be able to do it after doing yoga for 3 years. Well, i bet most gymnasts can do it but seriously, this one is the hardest and the sickest among all the things that you can't do with your body.
For the bonus part, you can read the site where i took this information here.
good facts for more get on a1facts
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