Just Look at How Small We Are!!

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Augmented Reality in Medicine

Using the basic tone of Sheldon Cooper, i changed the question to "What is the scariest thing for doctors? By the way, there's only one correct answer."

The correct answer is getting sued by patient. Well, interestingly, there are many devices that were developed in order to prevent or at least reduce the error in healthcare management. Nowadays, we have robotic arms that could perform a surgery with far more accuracy than with human arms. Of course that's not the only thing. 

The video shown below is about VeinViewer, a technology developed by Christie Medical Holdings Inc a few years back. The device, which can be included in one of the greatest invention in healthcare can help doctors view the vasculatory system as if it is exposed on the skin. This will significantly helps doctors in drawing some blood for medical testing and diagnosis. 

Hopefully, in future we will have a lot more medical technologies which can help us in getting the best healthcare in any hospital. And hopefully too, more medical breakthrough will help in prolonging our life so that we can see the development of the future with our own eyes. 

Source: here