Concrete Canvas Shelter

Okay, i'm swear when i was writing this, i love the idea of simple home with nothing except for a kitchen use to make food and a bed for sleep. Then i saw this awesome simple "house" that can be used as a place for shelter especially during a big catastrophic event such as tsunami.

From one of my favorite website,, it says: 

"Concrete Canvas is fabric impregnated with cement. Before it is activated, the fabric is thin and flexible enough to be folded and packed in a regular shipping crate. After it is sent to a disaster area, a plastic bladder is inflated and the Concrete Canvas laid over it. Then a generous spray of water activates the concrete and it begins to harden in the shape of the underlying bladder."

What's more important is that this sturdy canvas does not need pure,clean water to harden it, so dirty water can also be used. But i think urine is not included in the option for water. It takes only 24 hours to complete and can be use straight away. The resulting canvas is fire and water proof together with the sturdiness which surpass manyfold of the normal canvas shelter. See the video below to see how it's being deployed and completed.

I think if i can somehow get electricity to put inside this canvas, i'd be happy to buy this and voila, i have a house. Simple and elegant. Anyway, if you want to purchase the concrete canvas shelter, you can click here to see the contact information and the how to purchase instruction. That's all. Thank you. 


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