Male Vs Female

As we all know, nowadays male and female have come to a point where they have to fight in order to secure their position in the society. The fight, whether it's for job placement or academic performance, is thought to be the standard measurement in order to know which species is better. 

Biologically, there are 3 ways in order to differentiate between male and female. First is physical structure. Simple explanation for this is woman is someone who has breast, big hips and high pitch voice. Next thing to look is their reproductive and skeletal system. I don't think you'll need much elaboration on this. The problem with these two ways is with the technology advancement, it is possible for a male to alter the physical structure and the reproductive system so that it resembles the female. Hence, the last thing to look is their brain structure that will significantly affect how they think. 

Before we go further into the brain structure, we have to understand that the reason for these differences. And according to many expert in theology and philosophy, they believe that God made male and female in order to complement each other. Eric Fromm, refers this as dichotomy existence. The duality of things such as male and female, day and night, black and white, good and bad are interpreted with brief from many points of view and so far, the universally expected answer is that is just God's way of doing thing. 

Boys - Make sure you know how female brain works!!

Enough jibber-jabber about dichotomy existence. There are 4 differences that we can use in order to differentiate between male and female based on brain structure. Corpus callosum, hypothalamus, lower parietal lobe and the nerve fibers in hippocampus and parietal lobe. These 4 differences are what cause female to behave much more different than male. This includes the behavior, speaking pattern, ability to visualize and solving complex problems. 

Sandra Witelson in her research involving nine male brains and five female brains said that generally, the female brain size is smaller than male. She also stated that the corpus callosum - the bridge that connects the left and right hemisphere - is bigger in female as compared in male. In 1994, Simon LeVay defended this fact when he also found out that corpus callosum really is bigger in female. Apart from that, the anterior commissure - the white matter connecting the two hemispheres - is also bigger in female brain as compared in male. 

In order to understand the effect of these structure in human, we have to understand the role that the structures played. Corpus callosum is the bridge that connect the two hemispheres. This allows the information transfer to be faster from left to right or vice versa. Hippocampus is mostly related with memory and navigation. Hypothalamus regulates and controls involuntary movement such as body temperature, hunger, thirst, and many more. The parietal lobe plays an important role in integrating sensory information with processing. It also involves in navigation process and visualizing image. 

Girls - Make sure you know how male brain works!!

Now, let's see the effect of these structures in how we think. When we tell a story, which side is better? A female will tell a story with much more feeling and emotion. Their choice of words are far better than male when telling a story. This is the result of big corpus callosum. It allows the left brain to integrate with right brain with efficiency that is not present in male.

The medial preoptic nucleus, that involves in sexual behavior is about 2.5 to 3 times bigger in male, hence explaining why they always chase for sex. In female, the parietal lobe and hippocampus will degenerate faster as they grow older. This is why as female ages, they'll tend to forget where did they put their keys and phones. As for male, when they ages, the temporal lobe and frontal lobe will be first to decline. These parts of brain are responsible for feeling and thinking which is also the reason why young male behave so much different with old male. 

Other effects that we can see that occur because of the differences in brain structure are: 

  1. Smooth driver is always male.
  2. Nagging is always done by female.
  3. Male reads map far better than female.
  4. There are more male in jail rather than female.
  5. Female kids will choose "Barbie" and male kids will choose cars or guns.
  6. Female is a better student but male is a better leader
These are just for majority of the cases. Which means, not all female or male are like the one i stated above. And the differences only cause the way of thinking to be different, not the academic performance. Note that environmental factors must also be included to things that can affect our way of thinking. 


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