13 Year Old Researcher

Imagine if you're in your late 20s, or early 30s or 40s, and suddenly there's a young, pure prepubescent kid did a job that can cause you to lose yours?? Well, at least that's how i felt about this kid Aidan Dwyer a 13 year old Junior High School from New York.

Dwyer, with his idea of more effective solar panel configuration
This kid, while hiking through the mountain noticed that the arrangement of the leaves on the trees, are following the natural fibonacci sequence, where a number is equal to the sum of its previous two. He deduced that this particular arrangement of leaves must happened for a reason, and he thinks that the reason of why it behaves that way is because to efficiently collect or harness the solar power.

Intrigued by this idea, Dwyer created his own solar tree cells, following the fibonacci sequence. And the result, as astonishing as it is, was it produces 20% - 50% more power output when compared with normal photovoltaic panels. His achievement was recognized by The Young Naturist Awards and granted him a provisional US patent of the solar tree cells.

Phyllotaxy of leaves where it follows the sequence of
1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55........ - Picture taken from physorg.com 
This amazing biomimicry design is hope to give new insight in designing the solar panel that is more efficient and productive. And hopefully, with the advancement in harnessing solar energy, hot countries can utilize this energy to develop a more advance and well-equipped environment for people to live in.

Source: http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-08-year-tree-solar-efficient.html


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