Origin of Month Names

January: The name was given after the Roman god of beginnings, Janus.

February: Either come from Februus, ancient Roman god of purification or februa, the festivals of purification celebrated by Rome during this time.

March: Named after the Roman god of war, Mars.
Mars as God of war and agriculture guardian.

April: Originated from the word "aperire" which means to open. The word is taken because this is the time where buds begin to open after winter.

May: Taken from Maiesta, the Roman goddess of spring

June: The name came from Roman goddess of fertility, Juno.
Juno, also called Regina or the queen.

July: The month in which Julius Caesar was born. The name was given in honor of his assassination in 44BCE.
Julius Caesar

August: The name originated from Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Roman empire.
Augustus Caesar

September: Came from the word "septem" meaning seven. The name was given because this is the seventh month (counting from March).

October: Came from the word "octo" meaning eight. The name was given because this is the eighth month (counting from March).

November: Came from the word "novem" meaning nine. The name was given because this is the ninth month (counting from March)

December: Came from the word "decem" meaning ten. The name was given because this is the tenth month (counting from March).


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