A Peek Into The History of Mathematics

This will just be a quick update. I still am reading a few materials so that i can understand them before i share it with you guys. 

Below are something that we don't know about mathematics.

Pi is mathematical symbol that gives the value approximately 3.14159. The value for pi is actually the ratio between the circumference and the radius in Euclidean Space. 

The most ancient mathematical texts available are Plimpton 322, which is believed to come from Babylonian Mathematics, 1900 years before century

The natural logarithm e is called Euler's number, after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler

The tangent function (tan) was found by Islamic scholar, Muhammad Ibn Musa Al Khawarizmi

The term "angle" was a Latin word meaning the corner

I think that is it for my short update. Right now I am also searching for the right material or topic to be discuss. So if you have something valuable, do contact me. Thank you


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